Ace Blackouts


What is the price of our Professional Blackout?

- Ace Blackouts charges £39.99 for the blackout on a standard pair of football boots & we charge £47.99 for boots with the ankle collar such as Nike Magistas/Superflys and Adidas Pure Controls

What does our Professional Blackout include?

- We ask every customer to include a note inserted with the boots that details exactly how they would like their boots customised. The Professional Blackout includes special recorded delivery postage & brand new black sports laces. Please note we will return the laces that came with the boots also.

How long does the blackout process take to complete?

- Once the professional blackout is purchased off the website, the postage address is automatically provided so that each customer can send their boots off to our postage address. Once the boots are received our end, we aim to complete the blackout on the boots and send back to the return address you provide within 5-7 working days. Please note that during busy periods this lead time may be extended slightly.

How long does the Professional Blackout last for?

- The Professional Blackout we perform on your boots is a permanent process where the products we use penetrate the surface of the material of your boots. This is a thoroughly tested service that we are very proud to offer to our customers.

What boots are suitable for the Blackout?

- The Professional Blackout is best suited to boots of a leather or fabric material rather than the more synthetic plastic materials. Please get in contact if you are unsure if your boots will be appropriate.

Can you specify exactly how you want the football boots customised?

- Yes we ask all of our customers to include a description of exactly how they would like the boots customising for example a popular choice on Nike football boots is too leave the ticks and blackout the rest of the boots. Additionally some customers want certain sections of the boot left the original colours.

How can you purchase the professional blackout?

- The Professional Blackout is available to purchase in our products section of the website. Please also use the follow link. Purchase Professional Blackout Here.

If there is any additional information you require, then please don't hesitate to get in contact.